Sometimes the words get in the way.
Here's a collection of photographs showcasing the Black Hills BackBone. Maybe this will better convey the unique beauty of this remote road ride.
A forested island surrounded by the expansive prairie. Picnic Springs USFS campground near the North Dakota border. |
A Dakota Marker stands as a lone sentry on the North Dakota - South Dakota border. |
Road sign at the North Dakota border, looking like a tough old tree above timberline. |
Ere the sun rises! Breathe deep the freedom of the wide open Northern Prairie. |
More so than individuals, herds of buffalo inspire wonder, knowing that their ancestors filled the northern plains. |
Harding, South Dakota. A stop on the Medora-Deadwood Stage Coach Line. A few years back. |
Harding County gravel stretches toward the horizon, revealing the first promise of the distant Black Hills. |
Geographic Center of the United States, marked by a sincere tribute to the curious curiosity. |
Seemingly no end to the Northern Prairie gravel. |
The gravel thickens, as the road turns through deciduous trees, up and into the foothills on Crooked Oaks Road. |
A couple of miles of non-maintained dirt on Sale Barn Road behave in the dry heat of mid-summer. Try this road wet. |
Typical two track Black Hills gravel on USFS secondary roads. Maybe 100 miles of stuff like this. |
Black Fox Camp Road. Simply the best. |
Signature shot of the Black Hills BackBone, cresting the shoulders of Flag Mountain. |
Rolling over White Tail Loop for the sights, sounds and smells of Deerfield Lake, as well as a primitive water stop. |
Early morning start on Williams Draw Road. I don't see any mountain lions. Well, at least not here. |
Harney Peak and Crazy Horse Memorial from Custer Limestone Road. Worth the extra climb for that ridge line view. |
Gravel through classic Central Hills granite. Now we're cruising. |
More classic Central Black Hills granite. Uphill this time. |
Flying down Flynn Creek Road, the valley opens. |
Cold Springs School House, Church and Cemetery. 1887 structures fully restored back in 1965. |
Prairie Dog suburbs extend into the gravel roads in Wind Cave National Park. |
Local fast guys. You know who they are. |
Local boss. In his territory. |
Rankin Ridge Road in Wind Cave National Park, en route to Buffalo Gap and the Southern Prairie. |
At the Buffalo Gap Trading Post, Shaun exalts, "These are my people!" |
Nasty steep out of Oral, en route to steep rollers on Ash Road. |
The billowing ribbon of snow-lined gravel fades to dirt as the BackBone reaches for the Nebraska border.
A solar powered light for the American flag, off Black Banks Road, 4 miles from the border. |
Sunset at the Nebraska border. |
Finish line. |
Outstanding - photos and narrative! Thanks Craig